About us


Who we are
Good Habitat is Heidi Dokulil, Beatrice Chew and Graeme Smith, and a network of collaborators: writers, thinkers, designers, scientists, art directors, mentors, curators and media specialists.

Heidi Dokulil is an editor/writer and program planner
Beatrice Chew is a design and events manager
Graeme Smith is a writer/art director and campaign planner

What we do and how we work
There is no single line-of-work term to cover the scope of our project interests.

We create, facilitate and broadcast projects formed around the idea of good habitats through publishing, talks, exhibitions, workshops, community programs and education.

Sometimes all the job requires is a well-written message delivered to a few people; other projects may need the input of a range of specialists and a well serviced events venue. We enjoy the disparate nature of our projects and the talented people we bring into our work scenarios.

We write for a range of different publications – from T Australia: The New York Time Style Magazine to ArchitectureAU, and we design, propose and facilitate projects that align with the ethical concerns of diverse groups — using the critical focus of experts and the talents and enthusiasm of people who also like to learn by doing. We enjoy the pleasure of making the right connections: between, for example, the latest science around materials research, design and architecture, a city precinct and a lively creative program that encourages businesses that are small and local, a garden workshop for kids and a lifetime appreciation of good food, and what we eat and what we fuel our cars with.

Although we are experienced communicators, we strive to do much more than spread the ‘good word’. We bring the right people together to create ideas and actions that make a difference.

Any upcoming project may typically involve some of following tasks and skills.

research and understand
internal interviews, exploratory workshops
interpret perceptions and expectations
identify problems and areas of relevance
identify areas of opportunity
unearth potentials
widen views

clear distillations, sharp insights
set guidelines, tasks and goals

write, edit, art direct
design and image-making—still, moving and interactive
plan campaign
produce, publish
media platforms

identification with place, habitat, cities, new ideas
campaigns, programs, events, exhibitions
talks, forums, festivals
workshops, tours

create better places
introduce good habitat practices into the public and commercial realms
new attitudes and understandings

targeted communications
educational forums and workshops

Who we work with
Good Habitat welcomes businesses, government, individuals and community groups who are enthusiastic about the benefits of good habitats and can see the value in cooperative programs.

Some project partners:

Australia Council
Australian Federal Government
Bourke Street Bakery
Brasserie Bread
Cafe de France
City of Randwick
City of Sydney
Estudio Campana
Goroka Weavers
Hill Street Precinct
Italian Government
Liane Rossler
Lissoni Associati
Patricia Urquiola
PechaKucha Night
Powerhouse Museum
Professor Veena Sahajwalla, University of NSW
Randwick Community Organic Garden
Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation
Sione Felemaka
Space Furniture
Studio Castiglioni
Studio Propeller
Su-An Ng
Sydney Architecture Festival
Swinburne University of Technology
Sydney Cycle Chic
The Shack Youth Services
Tracey Deep

Let’s talk